NFC Technology is the New QR Code

When the NFC buzz started a few years back, I was all excited since like many I was having bad experiences with QR codes and was hoping something “better” would come along.  When this tech did, it was limited in use for mobile payments, but some very smart marketing people jumped on it and saw possibilities […]

Trending: Metallic

Who doesnt love metallic ink and foil stamping? Below are a few cool examples The Dieline posted. And as if it were destiny, we are also passing along a 30% savings on the “Designed” to Shine” Guide from ITW Foils. When I saw it a few weeks agoI was so excited that metallics might be […]

Playing pop music via Paper Posters with Conductive Ink

PAPER APPS!!! I like that terminology. It’s also interesting to note one of the selling points the creators are using is the “low cost of printing.”  Im assuming this is related if not the same thing to printed electronics/printed circuits and not some new invention, but LOVE the adaptation into the consumer realm and the […]

Another example why Designers should collaborate with Printers!

A great print design or concept only lasts until the reality of execution comes into play. A great designer knows that to bring their vision to life, they need to work with their Print Production Manager (if they are in an Agency), or directly with a printer if they work independently.  Im sharing this because […]

General Mills spoons up digital fun on cereal boxes

Some of the most read print materials in the world are cereal boxes according to Mark Addicks, CMO for General Mills. In a move to modernize the experience, they are adding digital triggers to their packaging to bring customers to “fun” content via mobile.  I have to assume many kids dont have mobile phones, but […]

Color-fooled: Visual Stimulus and Marketing [Infographic]

BY JULIE TABOULI It’s that annoying realization: “Wait…did I really just put that in my shopping cart because of the pretty packaging?” Chances are… Yes, you just did. You just got color-fooled. But don’t worry, it was no simple trick… scores of psychologists have been at work setting up these intricate, appealing traps for decades. We are […]

Reinvented Disposable Coffee Cup Eliminates Plastic Lids

Interesting concept! Good for Paper, Print, and the environment! Called Compleat, the all-paper design has a built-in lid with sipping spout. by Belinda Lanks I buy many cups of coffee and habitually cringe when reaching for a plastic lid. It’s pretty hypocritical to make a point of avoiding Styrofoam, only to slap a petroleum disc […]

Paper Wine Bottles Are Here!

via Paper Wine Bottle from GreenBottle. First we changed to screw caps and plastic corks.  Snobs objected vehemently over both options because of the “quality” factor.  Turns out that tradition doesn’t trump taste as many of these wines were picked by those same snobs in blind taste tests. Next came boxed wine which was again launched […]

Chanel Taps Vogue Supplement to Spark Holiday Gift Giving

We usually talk about added value of print as it relates to the consumer/user, and rarely about the added value print advertising gives to publications, so this article was a pleasant surprise. What is it that makes a magazine a magazine? Is it the articles or the ads? Let’s imagine for a minute every ad for […]

Coca-Cola adorns BILLIONS of drinking cups with QR codes

This is Coke’s first US QR Code Promotion and they certainly have gone all out.  They are touching upon in store marketing (QR codes on cups and posters), Social Media Marketing (scan of QR goes to a Facebook game) and of course Relationship Marketing – not only in the area of Coke being part of […]